Being Vaccinated, The Privilege That Many Did Not Reach

After a long battle, we are here, writing in honor of those who could not reach

Fernando López
4 min readAug 24, 2021
Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

In the first half of 2020, the whole world collapsed, the number of infected people increased dramatically, and consequently, deaths amounted to thousands day after day, how to stop such a catastrophe? for the first time we were really aware of how fragile the human is.

The greatness of the human was crumbling to pieces in front of an invisible entity. The human, so strong and powerful, so intelligent and so capable, was being defeated by a being so tiny that it is barely visible through a microscope.

The economy collapsed. The lack of demand set off a chain reaction that escalated to historic levels. Small, medium, and large businesses suffered an attack that left several on the canvas, on the verge of knock-out. Thousands of families faced an unprecedented crisis, the most vulnerable turning out to be the hardest hit.

Through social media, we knew what was happening in different parts of the world. The outlook was not at all favorable. The common denominator was: more infected, more deaths. Several governments implemented measures to try to stop the infections, stay home and wear a mask.

